About Us

The SIMI was formed when the Society of the Irish Motor Traders Ltd and the Irish Motor Traders Association merged together in 1968.

SIMI (Society of the Irish Motor Industry) is the official voice of the motor industry in Ireland. We are a member's organisation which consists of Dealers, Repairers, Vehicle Distributors, Wholesalers, Retailers, Vehicle Testers and many more important operators within the industry in Ireland. 

Our role is to represent the views of the motor industry by campaigning to the Government, state bodies, the media and the motoring public.

The Structure of the Society

The National Executive Council has the right to create other committees, in addition to the Standing Committees, in order to carry out specific work/problems. It is the role of the Management Board to suggest strategies and plans of campaign to the National Executive Council; to manage the financial, internal and administrative affairs of the Society; to advise the National Executive Council on the general direction of the policy of the Society; and, to take action, as needed, in the promotion and defence of the interests of the motor industry and members of the Society.

Our Team

Brian Cooke

Director General 

Tom Cullen

 Deputy Director General

Emma Mitchell

Operations’ Director & Company Secretary

Teresa Noone

Communications Director

Charlie Rogers

Director, Commercial Vehicle Sector & VTN

Colin Walsh

Industrial Relations Director

Yvonne Sliney

Accounts Manager

Seamus McCormack

Membership Services Manager

Jane O'Sullivan

Events & Office Manager

Sabrina Forsyth

Careers & Data Manager

Ami Fox 

Training Manager 

Adlan Chebli
Customer Services Officer 
Sophie Mulligan 
HR & Training Executive
Megan Hannon
Administration Executive

Code of Ethics

Recognising the responsibility of every organisation/company to maintain high standards of business ethics and integrity, as members in good standing of The Society of the Irish Motor Industry.

We subscribe to the following principles and pledge to:

  • Operate our business in accordance with the highest standards of ethical conduct.
  • Meet our customers' needs in a professional manner.
  • Advertise our products in a positive, factual and informative manner.
  • Provide knowledgeable and trained personnel to ensure efficient quality customer service.
  • Upon request, provide written estimates of and details of service to be performed.
  • Resolve misunderstandings in a prompt and courteous manner, through, if appropriate, the SIMI Standards Tribunal.

We accept these principles and pledge this organisation to abide by them.